Solar energy: a renewable, sustainable and sustainable source of energy What is solar energy? How can it be installed? What are the benefits?

Read on if you want to answer these and other questions on the subject.

Fortunately, theaccessible conscience The general awareness of the need to care for the environment is improving and, as a result, more and more people are becoming concerned about issues such as recycling, waste disposal, or renewable energies as the aerotérmica or solar.

This may be a good time to build or renovate your home and make it much more environmentally friendly. By building in accordance with the criteria of the Passivhaus a virtually zero consumption property can be created.

What is solar energy?

It is the use of the energy produced by the light and warmth of the sun to generate electricity o produce heat. It is obtained through the use of panels and mirrors.

It is a source inexhaustible and renewable , because it comes from the sun. It is one of the easiest to produce.

Spain, and more specifically the area of the Costa Blanca, is the ideal place to equip your property with solar panels due to the large number of hours of sunshine per year it enjoys.


What are the benefits?

Although there are other types of renewable energy (such as wind, hydroelectric and geothermal), solar energy has become popular as one of the renewable energy sources. more easy to produce.

The great benefit of solar energy is that it can be used in the following areas facilities by the installation of solar panels on the roofs of the roofs or on gardens and in land located near the house.

The panels photovoltaic systems are the most efficient option, combined with calor aeror thermal plants, which are extremely efficient in Spain.

  • It is an investment very cost-effective. Pays for itself in only 6 or 7 years.
  • It is a solution highly efficient .
  • Combining aerothermal and photovoltaic panels we cover almost all the thermal needs of the household.
  • In many regions, the following are availablesubsidies for this technology.
  • It is a way to make the most of the roof of a property that would otherwise serve no purpose.
  • It is a system clean and convenient with no procurement and no maintenance costs.
  • We produce in the same place that we consume, thus avoiding energy loss during transport.
  • We improve the certification energy efficiency of the property.
  • It is a system very safe since there is no combustion of any kind.
  • Solution modern that allows architectural integration by eliminating the need to install unsightly chimneys.

How can you install it?

It’s vital to find a professional to advise you and carry out the installation to ensure maximum performance.

They will take care of deciding where to install it, obtaining necessary permissions, considering the best location to make the most of as many hours of sunlight as possible and, of course, fitting and connecting it.

Don’t make the mistake of basing your choice of which solar panel system to buy on the price. Look for long-term efficiency and return on investment. If you choose a bad quality panel, it will end up being more expensive.

Types of solar energy

As well as being clean, solar energy is also one of the most abundant of all the types of renewable energy sources. There are a number of ways of making the most of this natural resource.



There are three main technologies:

  • Photovoltaic solar energy: Turns sunlight into energy. This is the most cost-effective system, combined with an aerothermal heat pump.
  • Concentrating solar energy (CSP) or concentrating thermal solar energy: Uses the sun’s heat to drive thermal engines.
  • Solar thermal energy and solar cooling: Uses solar power to provide hot water or cool air.

Jump on the solar power bus. You’ll save money and help care for the environment. 

Where you get your energy from says a lot about you.

If you’d like to find out more about all the possibilities of renewable energies, contact us. We’d be delighted to explain the best options with no obligations.

Jetvillas, a company under Hispano-Swiss management, has been building since 1989 and carried the ISO-9001 quality management stamp.

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