There are few things more tempting than the idea of going under. in the water of a clean and crystal clear pool at the ideal temperature. And if it’s your own pool, even better.

Swimming pools are a very attractive addition to any property. In the summer, they certainly manage to turn your backyard into your own little private oasis. In addition, they give us the opportunity to sharing moments of fun with friends and loved ones.

However, it should be remembered that swimming pools require a maintenance The maintenance of the equipment is a constant task to ensure that they are in optimum condition for use. One of the maintenance tasks is treating water to prevent the growth of bacteria, germs, algae or mold in the pool.

Chlorine and other chemicals used for this task manage to get rid of any problems, but can cause problems in the skin , especially in children and the elderly, dry out the hair, irritate the eyes and damage swimsuits.

Fortunately, today there are a number of alternatives to these chemicals to purify the water in your pool.

It is not necessary to use chemical products for pool maintenance. There are other much less aggressive but equally effective alternatives. .


  • Natural swimming pool: 

Also known as bio-pools. They reproduced an ecosystem livesmall-scale and self-regulated .

This is a new trend very convenient in swimming pools both from an aesthetic and ecological point of view. They adapt much better to their environment, providing a charming result.


They manage to achieve 100% pure, filtered and chemical free water. There are two different areas in this type of pool: one for swimming and one for filtering.

The water flows between these two areas through pipes, pumps or waterfalls. During this journey to waste is disposed of and oxigena water.

In terms of costs, the installation costs are more or less the same as those of a conventional pool, but as far as maintenance is concerned, the savings is enormous.

The only drawback we can find is that they require plenty of space: at least 40 square meters, with about half of this space allocated to water regeneration.

  • Salt water chlorinators:

In this case, the product used to maintain the water in good condition is the salt. However, the water in your pool will not be salty I like seawater, the salt concentration is very low.

It is contained in a device in the filter system, which uses salt water to create chlorine gas that dissolves in the water and disinfects it.

It is a system totally environmentally friendly that can save you 80% on your pool maintenance costs.



  • Water purifiers:

These are actually water ionizers. There are two different types: those that run on electricity and those that run on solar energy.

They modify the properties of the salts present in the water, stabilizing the pH levels and avoiding the algae and mold formation. The purifiers contain copper, a natural and clean bactericide.

They require sporadic use of other chemicals, but still 90% less than usual. They keep the pool water completely clean.

  • Ultraviolet disinfection:

Bacteria and microorganisms are eliminated with a light generated by an ultraviolet system lamps, that destroy all types of molds and bacteria. They disinfect water in a safe and effective way.

This system provides disinfection additional to chemical treatment, reducing the use of these products by up to 80%. It is compatible with salt chlorinators.



The best choice for the maintenance of your pool depends on your needs, the way you are going to use it, from space available and the location.

It is always advisable to rely on experienced professionals, who will know how to advise and accompany you during the process and who follow the trends. más innovative in the field of construction.

If you would like to have a chlorine-free pool in your home, we will be happy to provide you with all the information you need.